This is especially true for older phones. Do not download any apps unless you know they are from a trusted source. Think about dropping the minutes from your cell phone plan and migliori prezzi going VoIP (like Skype) only. This can save you money month after month. Companies do not want to lose valuable customers, so they may be willing to waive this. Consider purchasing a used phone if you are looking to upgrade before your contract allows you to. Knowing that the person or company is reputable will reduce the chance of you getting a virus or tracker in your phone.
If a number has been calling you and you do not know who it is, this is a great service to employ. Using your data plan, you can use Skype or another VoIP instead of paying for actual cell phone minutes. It also minimizes others tracking you. Therefore, when buying your phone, ask about the screen and how it was made to determine if additional protection is necessary. Even if it’s technically legal in your state, it’s still not a good idea. A cell phone battery is meant to be recharged every so often.
Clear your cache on a regular basis. Many accidents occur due to text messaging. It eats up your data allowance. Talk with a carrier to see what your options are. They do not hold a charge as well when you repeatedly let the battery power get too low before charging it.