The first step to India is to start at home. Let’s begin to understand and implement the concept of self-reliance at home.
Culturally, the idea of a joint family has almost disappeared in India. There are a few exceptions. We will assume that city dwellers are part of a nuclear-family concept.
To be self-sufficient, a family must manage their resources in a way that allows them to continue enjoying their comforts and add new luxuries.
Money and domestic help are the two most important resources.
You can decide how much money you need to manage your household based on the level of lifestyle that you choose.
A. Cost of leaving to cover all basic needs
B. Cost of departure plus a certain level of comfort
C. Cost A+B plus a high level of comfort
D Cost of A+B+C+ Luxury
Cost of A+B+C+D plus a high level of luxury
Future security
To manage the different levels of needs as described above, one must look at financial resources in a changing environment. It may be necessary to examine the safety of saved funds and their purchasing power in the future, as well as current income and income moving forward.
The majority of people who had been providing domestic help returned to their hometowns. People also avoid calling for domestic use due to fear of covid. It is difficult for a family, primarily when the husband and wife work and have children.
To meet this challenge, it is essential that the head of a family consults with its members and makes a decision based on the following:
What lifestyle would they like to lead in the medium and long term?
If the head of the family is financially responsible, can they manage alone?
Does it matter if the 2nd person regularly works outside or from home?
Consider the lifestyle you choose and what is needed in your home.
Outsource all the activities you can.
Examine all the activities that can be automated, mechanized, or digitized.
How to best care for and develop the career of your children.
Plan and review all aspects above for at least five years.
Plan for any balance work that may be left. After considering the above factors, determine how much work each family member can comfortably handle.
what kind of support/help is required after considering the above?
The lack of domestic help is a challenge that can be overcome by implementing the proper planning, reviewing, and taking action. This will provide many benefits.
Encourage a culture of planning, discipline, understanding and togetherness
Benefits to family members and future generations
Self-reliance is possible with or without covid. Protect your family from future uncertainty
Enhance your happiness
Make India independent by having a family that is self-sufficient.
Stay healthy, safe & happy
Enjoy the good days ahead